Advocacy Through Walls

Advocacy Through Walls

Guide for public defenders and social justice advocates
Advocacy Through Walls

Advocacy Through Walls is an interactive guide for public defenders, community-based organizations, and other social justice advocates on how to ethically and intentionally engage with people currently incarcerated or directly impacted by systemic advocacy. The guide is built on research and interviews on trauma-informed care and inside programs focused on self-empowerment. It is another initiative by Zealous, the organization challenging injustice through media, storytelling, and arts.

Графічний дизайн
Веб дизайн
Philanthropy & Social Good Legal & Consultancy
Finding the best ways to transform and arrange extensive professional, text-heavy content into an informative, smart, consistent, and engaging experience empowered with storytelling techniques.
Що ми зробили
  • Defined the visual style approach combining editorial and digital content presentation techniques for effective content presentation
  • Designed and developed an intuitive and attractive website
  • Created custom graphics and animations, amplifying storytelling and integrity of user experience

Advocacy Through Walls is an interactive guide for public defenders, community-based organizations, and other social justice advocates on how to ethically and intentionally engage with people currently incarcerated or directly impacted by systemic advocacy. The guide is built on research and interviews on trauma-informed care and inside programs focused on self-empowerment. It is another initiative by Zealous, the organization challenging injustice through media, storytelling, and arts.

Графічний дизайн
Веб дизайн
SaaS та цифрові продукти
Це текст всередині блоку div.
iBilly вже існував в іншій формі, і нам потрібно було змінити фокус та утримати аудиторію. Ми повинні були ретельно продумати, як задовольнити існуючих користувачів і врахувати їхні відгуки, а також потреби нової аудиторії.
Що ми зробили
Це текст всередині блоку div.
Це текст всередині блоку div.


Art Direction UX/UI Design Graphic Design Management

Vlad Taran Аnastasiia Zhyltsova Maryna Solomennykova Anastasiia Ostapenko

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Decriminalize Poverty

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